AVISO: Nace la Plataforma Freedom for Cuba
I address you from a Cuba whose people have endured the most ferocious and longest tyranny in America for almost sixty years. Its tyrants have not only rationed what we eat, the medicines used to cure ourselves, the clothes we wear, they have eradicated the tiniest glimpse of liberty for citizens. They prohibit us from choosing our professions or practicing them, expressing our opinion, deciding where to live, or traveling out of the country without the expressed permission of the government. All this with the complicity of governments all over the planet who have remained blind and deaf before a people who only ask to be allowed to enjoy the fruit of their labor and to live in freedom.
Those of you who take the time to read this testimony are the biggest hope for our work towards restoring freedom to our homeland. Below. We have attached the complete text of Project Emilia which contains our ideology, our principles and the goals for which we strive.
May the Biblical God bless all, you and us.
Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet